
Here is a basic map of the KSMU university. I've labelled the campus buildings according to their common names and included some other important names too, so do check them out!
Click on the image to enlarge it.

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Location of the Lecture Halls in KSMU 

There are 5 lecture halls inside KSMU, located in different buildings, where lectures and meetings are held. These are their numbers and locations:
  • Lecture Hall No 1 : Above anatomy dept, on 3rd floor on right
  • Lecture Hall No 2 : 3rd floor, on extreme left, use stairs beside Majid canteen.
  • Lecture Hall No 3 : Main uni building, 4th floor on the left, use main staircase.
  • Lecture Hall No 4 : Pharmacorpus/chemistry building, 2nd floor (same as library). 
  • Lecture Hall No 5 : Padfaq building, 7th floor.

Check University map to find location of all buildings. 

Location of Sport Halls in KSMU

There are 3 Sport Halls where physical education class and other sport activities are held. These are in the following locations:
  1. Physics building, 1st floor on the left.
  2. Pharmacorpus basement, use stairs on extreme left.
  3. Small building b/w physics building and main uni building.
Check University map to find location of all buildings. 
