Moodle task answers Facultative surgery 4/2

Task 1.1 Thyroid

1. Euthyroid simple nodular goitre stage 5

Nodular goitre with tracheal compression - operation thyroidectomy of right lobe

2. * Fine bore needle biopsy 

* serum TSH measurement

* Ultrasound

* Fine needle aspiration cytology

3. Operation and removal of nodular tissue

anti thyroid drugs: carbimazole, propylthiouracil

Task 1.2

1. Euthyroid simple nodular goitre stage 5

Nodular goitre with tracheal compression - operation thyroidectomy of right lobe

2. * Fine bore needle biopsy 

* serum TSH measurement

* Ultrasound

* Fine needle aspiration cytology

3. Operation and removal of nodular tissue

anti thyroid drugs: carbimazole, propylthiouracil

Task 1.3

1. Benign neoplastic goitre - thyroid cyst grade 2

Differential diagnosis: hashimoto's thyroiditis, toxic nodular goitre, malignant neoplastic goitre

2. * Measurement of serum TSH       * TRH test         * Thyroid autoantibodies          * Thyroid scanning.

Ultrasound          Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) * Large-bore needle biopsy 

3. * Needle aspiration of fluid from cyst

* thyroidectomy

* bed rest 

* radioiodide

Topic 2 Task 2.1 Acute peritonitis

1. Perforated gastric ulcer with stomach contents in peritoneum; relative acute peritonitis

2. Laboratory tests:

* Total blood analysis       * Leukocyte count             * Bacteriological test for H pylori

Instrumental tests:

* Fibrogastroduodenoscopy          * ultrasound             * x ray examination

3.Laparocentesis and evacuation of fluid from abdomen

Perforated ulcer repair

drugs to decrease acid secretion - Cimetidine, lansoprazole

diet modification

Task 2.2

1. Differential diagnosis:

  • Carcinoma of caecum (differentiated from the above by a longer history, often presence of diarrhea,
    positive occult blood with anemia and finally the barium enema examination).
  • Crohn's disease 
  • Ileo-caecal tuberculosis
  • Psoas abscess; but rare.
  • Pelvic kidney.
  • A distended gall bladder (which may quite often extend down as far as the right iliac fossa).
  • Ovarian carcinoma or tubal mass.
  • Aneurysm of the common or external iliac artery.
  • Retroperitoneal tumor arising in the soft tissues of lymph nodes of posterior abdominal wall or from the pelvis.


  • Complete blood count: Leukocytosis, Neutrophilia, shift to the left, Increase ESR
  • Urine analysis: leukocytes and erythrocytes


  • Ultra sound examination of abdomen - Presence of high echogenicity area
  • x ray - round shadow
  • laparoscopy - bulging mass

3. Surgical tactics stages: 

  1. One stage (Res + ana +/- ostomy)
  2. Two stages (Hartmann's procedure)
  3.  Three stages (Drainage + ostomy)

Abscess size 

<3-5cm: Antibiotics and bedrest

> 5cm: Antibiotics, drainage, bedrest

Task 2.3

1. Perforated duodenal ulcer

2. Laboratory:

  1. CBC (complete blood count): leukocytosis, neutrophilia, shift to the left.
  2. Urine analysis: normal


  1. Plain abdominal X-Ray: shadow of gas below the diaphragm.
  2. US (ultra sound): fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Pneumogastrography: gas in the abdominal cavity.
  4. FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy): perforated ulcer.

3. Procedures:

  • Emergency laparatomy through midline incision
  • All infected liquid is sucked out.
  • Perforation closed with interrupted suture (Rosue Graham operation)
  • Drainage and gastroscopy

Task 3.1

1.  Primary malignant tumor of the liver

2. Laboratory:

  •  CBC (complete blood count): erythrocytes decrease, hemoglobin decrease, ESR increase
  • leukocytosis, shift to left
  • Bilirubin increase.


  • liver tissue biopsy- hepatocarcinoma and cholanginocarcinoma
  • US (ultra sound): nodules in parenchymal tissues of the liver.
  • CT scan: cancer of gall bladder or ducts.
  • Laparoscopy with biopsy: hepatomegaly, nodules in the liver 

3. main method:

  • Operation treatment: Liver resection, Right hemihepatectomy, left hemihepatectomy, Liver transplantation.

Other methods can include:

  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • cryotherapy
  • anti cancer drugs
  • chemotherapy
Task 3.2

1. Portal hypertension - intrahepatic variant post shistosomiasis

2. Instrumental methods:

  • Fibrooptic or rigid oesophagoscopy + gastroscopy - presence of varicose veins
  • Radiology after a barium swallow -  show filling defects
  • angiography - portal thrombosis

3.  Treatment of massive hemorrhage from oesophageal varice -

a) Resuscitation of the patients. - clear airway and rapid replacement of blood volume.
b) Arrest of haemorrhage -   1) Tamponade     2) Vasopressin 

c) Endoscopic ligation of esophageal varices d)  Endoscopic sclerotherapy 

General management of patients:

  • The bowel should be cleared of blood by enemas or purgatives (eg magnesium sulphate).
  • Corrections of clotting problems
  • Transjugular intrahepatic portasystemic shunt
  • Liver transplantation
Task 3.3

1. Portal hypertension - intrahepatic variant 

2.  Instrumental methods:

  • Fibrooptic oesophagoscopy + gastroscopy - varicose veins
  • Radiology + barium swallow -   filling defects
  • angiography - portal thrombosis

3.  Treatment of massive hemorrhage from oesophageal varice  -

a) Resuscitation of the patients. - clear airway and rapid replacement of blood volume.
b) Arrest of haemorrhage - 1) Tamponade 2) Vasopressin 

c) Endoscopic ligation of esophageal varices

General management of patients:

  • The bowel should be cleared of blood by enemas or purgatives (eg magnesium sulphate).
  • Corrections of clotting problems
  • Transjugular intrahepatic portasystemic shunt (TIPS)
Task 4.1

1. Lactational mastitis - intramammary abscess


-Complete blood count - Leukocytosis, shift to the left, neutrophilia
-Ultrasound of mammary glands - changes in echogenicity in ducts
-Mammogram - Increase intensity of shadow in affected side


-Support breast with bandages
-Continue lactation, mechanical removal of extra milk
-Antibiotic treatment (clofazone; sulfanilamide)
-repeated ultrasound guided with aspiration needle.
-Drainage of abscess under general anesthesia if needed.

Task 4.2

1.  Mammary dysplasia (fibrocystic mastopathy)


  • blood –normal

  •  urine-normal

  • ultrasound - increase in density

  • mammography
  • fnac-for breast biopsy


  • conservative treatment
  • treatment of adexitis
  • testosterone propionate 1% 1 ml (in 3 days once)
  • KI sol o. 25%, 15ml 2 tablets orally in premenstrual period
  • topical and systemic NSAID's and analgesics

Task 4.3

1.benign tumor of mammary gland - fibroadenoma


  • Mammography- f mass with smooth, round edges, distinct from surrounding tissue
  • ultrasound - solid lump, absence of cyst
  • fine needle aspiration - cyst absent if no fluid.
  • tissue biopsy - to check tumor markers

3.non surgical management - analgesics and regular assessment until it disappears.

surgical mangaement - excisional biopsy / lumpectomy, cryoablation

Task 5.1

1. Diverticular disease, irritable bowel syndrome


  • Blood analysis - Leukocytosis shift to left, neutrophilia
  • ESR increased
  • X ray with barium swallow - bright contours of colon
  • Colonoscopy
  • CT scan

  •  Increased frequency and intensity of pain
  • Risk of development of complications if surgery isn't performed on time.
  • Quick recovery of patient
Task 5.6

1.perianal abscess


  •  Inspection 
  • Digital examination
  • Proctoscopy
  • Blood analysis


Thorough drainage by a making a cruciate incision over the abscess and excising the skin edges -
 this completely removes the “roof” of the abscesses, self healing in few days

Task 5.7

1.low level anal fistula


  • Digital examination -   internal opening can be felt as a nodule on the anal canal.
  • Proctoscopy  - to reveal the internal opening of the fistula.
  • Probing - patient under an anesthetic in the operating theater.
  • Radiography of the thorax (tbc).
  • Fistulography


* Preoperative cleansing enemas
* insertion of a probe retrogradely
* injection of diluted ethylene blue
* A probe - pointed director is inserted into the distal orifice
* The director is reinserted and again followed with the knife for a short distant
* The edges of the tract are trimmed 1 to 3 mm
